A Ghost Story.

A Ghost Story.

It was a rainy night, and thunder and lightning crashed. I had spent the weekend in the country with some friends and started back to the city Sunday evening. After an hour, my car suddenly stalled. I had just driven by a house, so I decided to walk back to it.
I arrive at the front door, wet and dripping. Before I had even rung the bell, the door opened. A smiling old lady was standing there. She didn't say a word, but took my hand and led me inside. I asked if I could use the phone, but she didn't answer.
I looked around for a phone, but could not find one. In fact, the whole house looked like it had been transported from the 1800's. There were no electric lights, just candles. There was no television and no radio.
The old lady motioned me to go upstairs and showed me into a bedroom. There was a fire in the fireplace and a comfortable bed heaped with pillows. She let me know with gestures and smiles that I could stay there, and I decided that it would be better than going back out into the stormy night.
I was very tired, so I laid down on the bed and went to sleep. In the middle of the night, I smelled smoke and woke up. I got out of bed and opened the door. The whole downstairs was on fire. I figured a candle had fallen over and caught the carpet on fire.
The old lady was nowhere in sight. I called to her and looked in all the upstairs rooms, but I could not find her. Finally, I had to get out myself, so I opened the window in my bedroom and climbed down the tree next to the house. When I got to the ground, I saw flames shoot from the room I had just left. I had escaped just in time.
I ran back to my car. It started immediately and I drove off to get help. I stopped and pounded on the door of the first farmhouse I found. When the farmer and his wife came to the door, I explained about the fire. They looked at me strangely. Then the farmer said, "There is no house there. That house burned down a hundred and fifty years ago."

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